fashion + beauty + insider interviews + est 2006

Monday, February 25, 2008


london - trying not to make this one of those long, extended stays from blogging. i heart my blaynistas too much. so i am still under deadline drama....the life of a writer! i was able to be very productive this weekend though and found three online software programs which will help my productivity exponentially in days to is the first one. if you are someone who has to keep track of your expenses (i.e. a contributing writer like me) or you are just super sensitive about tracking your spending - it's the program for you! also discovered, which tracks your eating and excercise habit and finally, which helps you manage and track the time spent on various projects! just some tips i picked up from the writers war zone and wanted to share. i hope you've all enjoyed reading my archives! now on to todays news. xx, zb

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