fashion + beauty + insider interviews + est 2006

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Posh & Becks tone down the sexuality and rev-up the chemistry for their Beckham Signature Story ad campaign.

World Wide Web – Take a glance of the above photo. Notice anything? David and Victoria Beckham are not scantily naked for once. The Beckhams star in a new set of ads for their upcoming (and moderately affordable) men’s/women’s fragrance line, Beckham Signature Story, and rely on good ole fashion chemistry to pull it off. No disrespect to the gorgeous duo, their bodies are enviable, but for once we get to see the sensuality exude from the pair without them doing (almost) softcore porn. The upside, they play smoldering lovers, which leave plenty to the imagination. [Story and Image by DesignScene]

Jared Michael Lowe

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